Show 082 – 06/04/2018
Radio Still Sucks with Jeff T 2018-06-04 22:00:00 to 00:00:00
The Flaming Lips "We Can't Predict The Future" from "single"
Common Holly "nothing" from "Playing House"
QUARTERBACKS "Center" from "Quarterboy"
She & Him "She Gives Her Love to Me" from "She Gives Her Love to Me - Single"
Jimmy Eat World "Half Heart" from "Love Never / Have Heart"
Speedy Ortiz "Villain" from "Twerp Verse"
Liz Phair "Fuck and Run (Girly-Sound Version)" from "The Girly-Sound Tapes"
Remember Sports "The 1 Bad Man" from "Slow Buzz"
Active Bird Community "Spend the Night" from "Spend the Night - Single"
KOLARS "King of Carrot Flowers" from "King of Carrot Flowers - Single"
Andrew Jackson Jihad "2 Headed Boy" from "Under the Influence, Vol. 6: 2 Headed Boy - Single"
Neutral Punk Hotel "Skolland, 1945" from "Neutral Punk Hotel - Never Mind the Aeroplane Over the Sea..."
Tweehouse "In the Aeroplane over...